Our supplemental insurance (GAP) plan is structured to coordinate with your client’s group health insurance plan, whether fully insured or self-funded and whether it’s an inpatient or outpatient claim. These plans are NOT like what you have seen in the past. The supplemental health insurance (GAP) is simple to understand. Employees don’t even have to file their own claims - the provider will file the claim and receive payment directly from the Supplemental Health (GAP) carrier. Providers appreciate these plans, as they get paid quickly and efficiently.

Our supplemental health insurance (GAP) plans will help control costs, as well as improve engagement and the health for your clients. If your clients are looking to reduce unnecessary health plan utilization, their employees can also access the included NO CONSULT FEE Telemedicine service which is available 24/7/365.

This is an employer sponsored group plan that helps solve real employer and employee issues. Let us show you how to deliver better benefits at a lower cost.

To submit a request for a GAP proposal, click below:

Button Link to GAP RFP Form